White Papers/Resources
The ECD (Electrical+Comms+Data) Resource Library contains white papers, eBooks, webcasts, videos and technical papers to help you manage and solve work related problems. Select from a variety of application and technology related subjects, supplied by market-leading vendors or written by our editorial team.

Optimise your field service with live video collaboration
Supplied by LogMeIn Australia Pty Ltd on 04 May, 2016
The top 20% of field service performers are 69% more likely than their peers to have implemented live video tools. They are also 70% more likely to provide technicians with access to recorded training videos.

How to schedule field service to stretch your profit margin
Supplied by The Service Manager on 04 May, 2016
When scheduling maintenance the stakes are high. Inefficient scheduling practices easily lead to large losses of billable work, delays, negative effects on other jobs and customer dissatisfaction.

17 ways to automate field service and increase revenue
Supplied by LogMeIn Australia Pty Ltd on 14 April, 2016
Field service executives need to know the current and emerging field service technologies — to optimise processes with automation technologies for customer records, financial accounts, scheduling and on-site service.

Easy SMB solutions to optimise invoicing
Supplied by The Service Manager on 08 April, 2016
On-time, accurate billing impacts your bottom line and customer relationships. Implementing effective systems and streamlining processes will improve your cashflow, profitability and customer retention.

7 steps to ensure effective cable management
Supplied by Schneider Electric IT Business on 21 March, 2016
A comprehensive strategy is critical when managing power and data cables within IT racks. Without one the uptime, safety and cooling efficiency of your data centre are at significant risk.

How to gain competitive advantage by integrating FSM to ERP
Supplied by IFS Australia on 14 March, 2016
Integrating your Field Service Management (FSM) to ERP can improve 'first time fix' rates, customer satisfaction and service scheduling. It also provides the intelligence to successfully manage service costs. Developing a faultless framework for this integration, however, is critical to maximise the expected business benefits.

Expanding your mobile workforce — 12 key challenges and solutions
Supplied by Combined Communications on 08 March, 2016
This white paper provides 12 common challenges that organisations face as they expand their mobile workforce and the systems to support them.

10 ways to find the best field service management software
Supplied by IFS Australia on 18 February, 2016
There are now hundreds of diverse FSM software offerings on the market. How do you sift through all of these options and make the best choice for your business?

LED tail-lights — are you aware of the risks?
Supplied by XL Service Bodies Pty Ltd on 11 February, 2016
Modern cars are computers on wheels. Post-fitting LED tail-lights to their complex electrical systems is fraught with risk. Most vehicles do not have a compatible system that allows direct replacement. Incorrect installation can compromise the modern electrics, introduce new problems and put your manufacturer's warranty in jeopardy.

DC energy performance management — a best practice guide
Supplied by Schneider Electric Global on 14 January, 2016
Rising energy prices, along with green lease and smart electricity systems, are set to transform energy performance management. It will soon be mandatory for facilities to monitor and measure energy use across the entire building.

Your duty of care and the high price of failure
Supplied by Navman Wireless Australia on 19 November, 2015
Driving is a hazardous business. You must do everything within reason to protect your people from risks associated with their work. There are heavy penalties for failing to do so.

Facility operations and maturity model: streamlining DC operations
Supplied by Schneider Electric IT Business on 17 November, 2015
An operations and maintenance program is critical in determining how a data centre is meeting its design goals and business objectives. The 'maturity model' within this white paper presents a standardised framework for clarifying how effective that program is and what might be lacking, and for benchmarking performance to drive continuous improvement within the facility.

The guide to making the right decisions for your mobile solutions
Supplied by Zebra Technologies on 13 November, 2015
For a superior mobile field service solution you need a well-thought-out holistic strategy that includes device management, service support strategy and security of applications and devices.

The 5 best ways to cut fuel costs
Supplied by Telogis on 12 November, 2015
Given that fuel is the largest fleet operating cost, managing fuel consumption is essential for a company to remain competitive. Companies with the most efficient utilisation rely on location intelligence technologies to provide visibility into the areas that most influence fuel costs.

The 3 key benefits of cloud-based mobile workforce management
Supplied by ClickSoftware Australia Pty Ltd on 12 November, 2015
Improving customer interactions is key to driving business growth and gaining that competitive edge. A cloud-based mobile workforce management solution can bring the agility needed to achieve this great customer experience.